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Glossary - QR Code - Mercado Pago Developers


We know some concepts may be new for you. Before starting, here's a cheatsheet.

CredentialsYour credentials are the keys we give you so you can set up your integrations. To find them, go to your credentials and select the productive ones.
ACCESS_TOKENThe private app key to generate payments. You'll find it on the credentials section. You must use it to identify yourself in your integrations. Always use the Production Mode credentials.
USER_IDBuyer's user ID in Mercado Pago. You'll find it on the your application details. It's also known as the COLLECTOR_ID.
SPONSOR_IDSupplier's ID on the integrated system with Mercado Pago. Consist of the last digits of the access_token, after the last dash. So, for instance, if your access_token is APP_USR-8499883828799661-062409-bf057c51fc05f87eba5608328f869879-776566693, then your USER_ID is 776566693. sponsor_ID must be different than USER_ID.
StoreA physical shop in which your clients can get products and services. You can have multiple stores on one account.
Point of sale (POS)A place to perform a transaction on a store or physical shop. Each POS will be linked with a unique QR code.
OrderA purchase made by your client. Contains a list of products with an associated cost.