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Generate report - Released money - Mercado Pago Developers

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Generate report

You can generate a report of Releases through your Mercado Pago account or via API integration. Refer to the table below for more information.

Generation channels

You can generate a report of Releases through your Mercado Pago account:

Mercado Pago PanelManually create the report through the Mercado Pago panel. Access the Sales and Billing section, click Go to Payment and Account Statement Reports, and select the report. For more information, read the documentation Generate report through the panel.
API IntegrationCreate the report manually or scheduled according to the desired frequency using our API integration. For more information, refer to the documentation Generate report via API.

Technical features of the report

Consider the following technical information whenever you create, schedule, or configure a report.

Report structure

Understand the characteristics of the elements that compose your report.

Actions and componentsCharacteristics
Table detailsTable details comprise information for at least 1 day.
Column orderFixed
Maximum periodReports with data for up to 60 days.
CurrencyLocal (based on the country where the Mercado Pago account is registered).
Column time zone:GMT-4

Take as reference the place from where the report is downloaded.
Web date selectionBased on the user account's time zone.
For example, a user account registered in Brazil corresponds to the SĂŁo Paulo time zone.

Report export

All options available when downloading your report.

Actions and componentsCharacteristics
File name formatScheduled or manual report:
Example: mystore-28-05-2024.csv.
Download formats.csv, .xlsx

Note: download the report in .csv to import the data and use it in other applications. Download it in .xlsx to read the information in spreadsheet tables.
FileGenerated reports are saved in your Mercado Pago account.



Webhook, also known as "web callback," is an efficient method to receive real-time information whenever an event occurs in an application or system. This approach allows the passive transfer of data between two systems through HTTP POST requests. Regarding reports used in reconciliation, a notification is sent to the user who has configured this service as soon as the corresponding files are generated.

transaction_idTransaction ID
request_dateRequest date
generation_dateCreation date
filesAvailable files
typeFile format
urlDownload link
nameFile name
statusReport status
creation_typeManual or scheduled creation
report_typeReport type
is_testDetermines if it is a test
signatureWebhook notification digital signature

Encryption password

The encryption password is essential to secure the notification process to the system. In the message body (payload), an attribute called "signature" is sent to validate the legitimate origin of the Mercado Pago Webhook notification, avoiding possible imitations.

The creation of the signature occurs by combining the transaction_id with the encrypted password in the "Webhook Notification" section, along with the generation_date of the report. These values are then encrypted using the BCrypt algorithm as follows:

signature = BCrypt(transaction_id + '-' + password_for_encryption + '-' + generation_date)

To validate that it is Mercado Pago who issued the notification, the verification function offered by the BCrypt algorithm for the desired language must be used.

Java example:

BCrypt.checkpw(transaction_id + '-' + password_for_encryption + '-' + generation_date, payload_signature)

Have the Glossary of Releases report on hand to review it when needed or want to review a technical term.