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Mercado Crédito gains a new name and is now Linha de Crédito Mercado Pago

In alignment with the identity of a digital bank, the Mercado Crédito brand will now be called Linha de Crédito Mercado Pago in Brazil.

This change allows customers to more clearly identify the specifics of this payment method, and aims to result in greater adoption of our Linha de Crédito.

And “what is my benefit as an integrator?” you might be wondering. It is exactly to offer a payment method whose name is transparent to the payer, which can improve payment conversion for sellers, as it represents a clearer and therefore closer option.

To assist you in this transition, all documentation available on our Mercado Pago Developers site has been updated to reflect the new nomenclature, as have our visual components during the selection of this payment method.

Activation of the Linha de Crédito

Plugins & Platforms

For those using the Mercado Crédito plugin on e-commerce platforms, it will be necessary to update it in order to view the most recent version, now with the new name, Linha de Crédito. Below is an example in a WooCommerce store:

Old Version

Updated Version

We announce this change to further strengthen the Mercado Pago brand and, above all, our partnership with you. Let’s move forward together!