Integration update - Payment facilitators - Mercado Pago Developers
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Integration Update

Circular BCB 3978 no. determines that all Payment Facilitators identify the ultimate beneficiaries at the time of the transaction. To comply with this regulation, it becomes mandatory to send the parameters of the sub_merchant property that are detailed in the table below. In case the fields are not sent, the card networks may apply penalties that will be passed on to the Payment Facilitator.

To use the Payment Facilitator integration, it is necessary to update the forward_data.sub_merchant property for sending the fields described below.

  "payer": {...},
  "forward_data": {
    "sub_merchant": {
      "sub_merchant_id": 123123,
      "mcc": "5462",
      "country": "BRA",
      "address_door_number": 1,
      "zip": "2222222",
      "document_number": "222222222222222",
      "city": "SÃO PAULO",
      "address_street": "RUA A",
	    "legal_name": "LOJINHA DO ZÉ",
      "region_code_iso": "BR-MG",
      "region_code": "BR",
      "document_type": "CNPJ",
      "phone": "123123123",
      "url": ""
  "transaction_amount": 20,
  "description": "...",
  "token": "....",
  "statement_descriptor": "PRUEBA",
  "issuer_id": ...,
  "payment_method_id": "...",
  "amounts": {...},
  "installments": 1,
  "pos_id": "....",
  "external_reference": "..."

 * Mercado Pago Payment Capture.
 * @see {@link Documentation}.

import MercadoPago, { Payment } from '@src/index';

const client = new MercadoPago({
  accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

const payment = new Payment(client);

  body: {
    transaction_amount: 100,
    description: 'Test',
    payment_method_id: 'visa',
    installments: 12,
    token: '010466403607c1efc03205b75bd2f18e',
    payer: {
      email: ''
    forward_data: {
      sub_merchant: {
        sub_merchant_id: '1234',
        mcc: '12345',
        country: 'BRA',
        address_door_number: 123,
        zip: '9876678',
        document_number: '234567876543',
        city: 'São Paulo',
        address_street: 'Rua TESTE',
        legal_name: 'legal',
        region_code_iso: 'BR',
        document_type: 'CNPJ',
        phone: '123456789',
        url: ''
  requestOptions: {
    idempotencyKey: '234rw8ujdsfjawadfsa'

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use MercadoPago\Client\Payment\PaymentClient;
use MercadoPago\Client\Common\RequestOptions;
use MercadoPago\MercadoPagoConfig;

$client = new PaymentClient();

$request_options = new RequestOptions();
$request = [
    "transaction_amount" => (float) '100',
    "token" => '545950fe518e85df69052e1765898e92',
    "description" =>'teste',
    "payment_method_id" => 'visa',
    "installments" => 1,
    "payer" => [
        "email" => '',
    "forward_data" => [
        "sub_merchant" => [
            "sub_merchant_id" => "123123",
            "mcc" => "5462",
            "country" => "BRA",
            "address_door_number" => 1,
            "zip" => "2222222",
            "document_number" => "222222222222222",
            "city" => "SÃO PAULO",
            "address_street" => "RUA A",
            "legal_name" => "LOJINHA DO ZÉ",
            "region_code_iso" => "BR-MG",
            "region_code" => "BR",
            "document_type" => "CNPJ",
            "phone" => "123123123",
            "url" => ""

    $payment = $client->create( $request, $request_options);

} catch (MPApiException $e) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handle all other exceptions
// echo "Content: ";
// var_dump($e->getApiResponse()->getContent());
// echo "\n";
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// // Handle all other exceptions
// echo $e->getMessage();
// }

package com.mercadopago;

import com.mercadopago.client.MercadoPagoClient;
import com.mercadopago.client.common.IdentificationRequest;
import com.mercadopago.client.common.SubMerchant;
import com.mercadopago.client.payment.*;
import com.mercadopago.core.MPRequestOptions;
import com.mercadopago.exceptions.MPApiException;
import com.mercadopago.exceptions.MPException;
import com.mercadopago.resources.payment.Payment;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
        headers.put(Headers.IDEMPOTENCY_KEY, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        MPRequestOptions requestOptions = MPRequestOptions

        PaymentClient client = new PaymentClient();
        PaymentCreateRequest createRequest = PaymentCreateRequest.builder()
            .transactionAmount(new BigDecimal(100))
                    .city("Sao Paulo")

        try {
            Payment payment = client.create(createRequest, requestOptions);
        } catch (MPApiException ex) {
                "MercadoPago Error. Status: %s, Content: %s%n",
                ex.getApiResponse().getStatusCode(), ex.getApiResponse().getContent());
        } catch (MPException ex) {

package main

import (


func main() {
	accessToken := "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
	cfg, err := config.New(accessToken)
	if err != nil {

	client := payment.NewClient(cfg)

	request := payment.Request{
		TransactionAmount: 105,
		PaymentMethodID:   "visa",
		Payer: &payment.PayerRequest{
			Email: "",
		ForwardData: &payment.ForwardDataRequest{
			SubMerchant: &payment.SubMerchantRequest{
				SubMerchantId:     "1234",
				MCC:               "123",
				Country:           "BRA",
				AddressDoorNumber: "1",
				ZIP:               "22222222",
				DocumentNumber:    "22222222222222",
				City:              "Sao Paulo",
				AddressStreet:     "Rua A",
				LegalName:         "Legal Name",
				RegionCodeIso:     "BR",
				RegionCode:        "BR-SC",
				DocumentType:      "CNPJ",
				Phone:             "123456789",
				URL:               "",
		Token:        "879a958bbed52608607ae70bed919e13",
		Installments: 12,

	resource, err := client.Create(context.Background(), request)
	if err != nil {


using System;
using MercadoPago.Config;
using MercadoPago.Client.Common;
using MercadoPago.Client.Payment;
using MercadoPago.Resource.Payment;

MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var request = new PaymentCreateRequest
    TransactionAmount = 105,
    Description = "Título do produto",
    PaymentMethodId = "visa",
    Token = "879a958bbed52608607ae70bed919e13",
    Installments = 3,
    Payer = new PaymentPayerRequest
        Email = "",
    PaymentForwardDataRequest = new PaymentForwardDataRequest
        SubMerchant = new SubMerchant
            SubMerchantId = "1234",
            MCC = "123",
            Country = "BRA",
            AddressDoorNumber = "1",
            Zip = "22222222",
            DocumentNumber = "22222222222222",
            City = "Sao Paulo",
            AddressStreet = "Rua A",
            LegalName = "Legal Name",
            RegionCodeIso = "BR",
            RegionCode = "BR-SC",
            DocumentType = "CNPJ",
            Phone = "123456789",
            Url = "",

var client = new PaymentClient();
Payment payment = await client.CreateAsync(request);

sub_merchant_idTextSubmerchant code.Required123123
mccTextSubmerchant MCC according to Abecs decision and/or primary CNAE.Required5462
countryTextCountry where the submerchant is located.RequiredBRA
address_door_numberNumberStreet number where the submerchant is located.Required1
zipTextCEP of the submerchant.Required2222222
document_numberTextCPF or CNPJ identification of the submerchant.Required222222222222222
cityTextCity where the submerchant is located.RequiredSÃO PAULO
address_streetTextStreet where the submerchant is located.RequiredRUA A
legal_nameTextName of the submerchant.RequiredLOJINHA DO ZÉ
region_code_isoTextState where the submerchant is located.RequiredBR-MG
region_codeTextPostal code of the submerchant.RequiredBR
document_typeTextCPF or CNPJ number of the submerchant.RequiredCNPJ
phoneTextPhone number of the submerchant.Required123123123
urlTextPayment facilitator