Card token generation errors
Status | status_detail | Description |
106 | Cannot operate between users from different countries | You cannot make payments to other countries. |
109 | Invalid number of shares for this payment_method_id | payment_method_id does not process payments in installments installments.Select a different card or payment method. |
126 | The action requested is not valid for the current payment state | Your payment couldn't be processed. |
129 | Cannot pay this amount with this paymentMethod | payment_method_id does not process payments for the selected amount.Select a different card or payment method. |
145 | Invalid users involved | You are trying to make a payment to a test user and a real user. |
150 | The payer_id cannot do payments currently | You cannot make payments. |
151 | The payer_id cannot do payments with this payment_method_id | You cannot make payments. |
160 | Collector not allowed to operate | Your payment couldn't be processed. |
204 | Unavailable payment_method | payment_method_id is not available right now.Select a different card or payment method. |
801 | Already posted the same request in the last minute | You made a similar payment a while ago. Try again in a few minutes. |
default | Another error code | Your payment couldn't be processed. |