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Discover the advantages of the Partners Program for certified developers

The Partner Program is designed to give developers access to a range of benefits with Mercado Pago. We want to help you further strengthen your relationship with your clients and our team.

Receive commercial support from Mercado Pago.

Participate in events with market specialists.

How to guarantee financial incentives

We give all developers in our program a unique identification called Integrator ID . This way, we can identify your integrations and give you access to the benefits of the program.

We ask that you add your Integrator ID to your integrations, whether they are your own developments or checkout implementations for stores created on the following e-commerce platforms: WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Adobe Commerce and VTEX.

If the integration is on a platform other than those mentioned above, please register your customers .

To learn more about how to use the Integrator ID, visit our documentation.

Our levels

Our Partners Program has 4 levels. You go to a higher level and have more advantages as the turnover of your clients who use Mercado Pago in their online stores increases.

Important: All developers start on the Certified Partner Certified level.

Certified Partner
Silver Partner
Gold Partner
Platinum Partner
Your customers' average income*
Between R$ 0 and R$ 19,999/month
Between R$20,000 and R$59,999/month
Between R$60,000 and R$199,000/month
More than R$200,000/month
Revaluation period
Cada 3 meses
Cada 6 meses
Cada 6 meses
Cada 6 meses

* This value refers to the average revenue of referred clients, integrated with Mercado Pago and who process payments with our online products during the validity of the Program.

How our financial incentives work

Todos los participantes del programa que aprueban una certificación reciben un Integrator ID. Este número de identificación debe ingresarse en todas las integraciones para que podamos validar las operaciones realizadas y contabilizarlas para la bonificación. Saber más

Mercado Pago will monitor the monthly volume of transactions and payments for each new integration you make during the first 60 days of operation.

Depending on the average monthly billing of your clients in those two periods, you will receive the corresponding bonus.

Certification levels
TPV range in the first 60 days
Integration Remuneration (after the 60th day of processing)
Certified Partner
From R$5,000 to R$19,999
Above R$20,000
R$150 R$300
Silver Partner
From R$5,000 to R$19,999
Above R$20,000
R$170 R$330
Gold Partner
From R$5,000 to R$19,999
Above R$20,000
R$200 R$450
Platinum Partner
From R$5,000 to R$19,999
Above R$20,000
R$250 R$750

* The average monthly billing amount considers operations and payments made for each unique integration, and not the sum of the integrations assigned to your Integrator ID.

Program participants will only be entitled to receive the amount corresponding to the period in which the transaction volume is reached by the identified integration, and the amounts are not cumulative. In other words, if your client reaches an average monthly revenue between R$5,000.00 and R$19,999.00 after the 60th day, you will receive the amount of R$150.00 if you are a Certified Partner, R$170.00 if you are a Silver Partner, R$200.00 if you are a Gold Partner, R$250.00 if you are a Platinum Partner.

The amounts in this table may be subject to tax deductions or charges applicable to this type of payment, under the fiscal and tax laws in force at the time of payment.

The amount of your incentive will be automatically made available in your Mercado Pago account within 2 weeks after the calculation date.